Championship of luxury blue water yachts

The first-ever Moody World Cup, organized by our dealer Berthon USA, recently graced the picturesque shores of Jamestown, RI, leaving behind a wake of excitement, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories.

September 29, 2023

The world of Moody is an embodiment of elegance, precision, and passion. And when you combine these qualities with the iconic decksaloon yachts, the result is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The first-ever Moody World Cup, organized by our dealer Berthon USA, recently graced the picturesque shores of Jamestown, RI, leaving behind a wake of excitement, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories.

A Global Gathering of Moody Yachts

In recent years, the East Coast of the United States has witnessed the arrival of numerous new Moody yachts, a testament to the brand's enduring popularity and allure. With these waves of new arrivals, Berthon USA decided it was time to elevate the excitement to a global level, giving birth to the Moody World Cup. Held at the stunning Conanicut Yacht Club in Jamestown, RI, this event saw a remarkable fleet of Moody DS's converging in full race trim, creating a spectacle that left all onlookers in awe.

Sailing Towards Victory

Under the radiant sun and the gentle embrace of Narragansett Bay, the Moody World Cup unfolded in all its glory. The fleet was guided by a meticulously set start line from the committee boat, TERN, which saw the Moody DS's gracefully navigating their course out of the bay to Castle Hill and back. As the light sea breeze filled the sails, the fleet set off on a captivating journey, creating a breathtaking sight as they sailed toward the iconic Clingstone house at the bay's entrance.

At the forefront of the fleet was the blue-hulled Moody Decksaloon 54 called “VERUS AMORE”, helmed by the 18-year-old Anderson Osinski, son of owner Jodi Osinski. Following closely was the sleek white-hulled DS 54 named “SOUTHERN CROSS”, owned by Peter and Angela Lacoste, an Australian entry fresh from its triumph in the Marblehead to Halifax ocean race.

The Thrilling Chase and Diverse Tactics

The competition was fierce as the Moody yachts rounded the windward mark, showcasing a thrilling display of sailing prowess and strategic maneuvering. “OUTNUMBERED”, a striking blue DS 54 crewed by Bob and Lucy McBride, made a remarkable appearance with what seemed like an entire crew on board. RIGHT behind was “OVERCOMMITTED”, Paal and Jill Gisholt's Mood Decksaloon 41, the first of its kind to make its way to the States. And not far off was the stylish Moody Decksaloon 45, called “LIBERTY”, masterfully sailed shorthanded by Jen and Ryan Yost.

The fleet displayed strategic diversity as they split at the windward mark, with some yachts staying close to the Castle Hill shore to navigate the outgoing tide, while others ventured towards Jamestown, with colorful sails billowing in the wind.

A Victory Beyond the Waves

With the finish line in sight, the boats rounded Clingstone and headed downwind, marking the culmination of an exhilarating race. The race committee utilized PHRF's time-on-time handicapping system to determine the finish times, resulting in an accurate portrayal of each yacht's performance.

The Moody World Cup wasn't just about the competition; it was about celebrating the shared passion for sailing a Moody, the spirit of sportsmanship, and the sense of community that permeates the sailing world. The crews gathered on the shores, making their way to the prize-giving party and dinner hosted on the deck of Conanicut Yacht Club.

And the Champions Are...

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the waters, the results were announced, etching the names of champions into the history of the Moody World Cup:

World Cup Champion: Moody DS 54 SOUTHERN CROSS, Australia
Second Place: Moody DS 54 OUTNUMBERED, Boston, USA
Third Place: Moody DS 54 VERUS AMORE, Buffalo, USA
Fourth Place: Moody DS 41 OVERCOMMITTED, Hingham, USA
Fifth Place: Moody DS 45 LIBERTY, Memphis, USA

The accolades continued with a special award for the yacht that had journeyed the farthest without its boat, and the honor of the best-dressed crew was also bestowed upon the crew of OUTNUMBERED.

Sailing into the Future

As the inaugural Moody World Cup drew to a close, it left behind a trail of unforgettable memories, newfound friendships, and the promise of more exhilarating races to come. This event not only showcased the prowess of Moody yachts on the water but also highlighted the indomitable spirit of sailors who find solace, excitement, and adventure on the open seas.

With the echoes of the cheers and the ripple of the waves, we eagerly await the next chapter of the Moody World Cup, where the sails will once again be hoisted, and the yachts will dance across the waters, chasing the thrill of victory and the camaraderie that makes sailing a timeless and cherished pursuit.

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